This project will take a while, so please be patient with me. I plan to add a new tip each day, whether it's a definition of a term or a way to cook or store an ingredient. I've wanted to categorize my cooking needs for a while now, so this is my chance!
As I add pages, I'll also add links to the pages so you can begin to enjoy my work as well. You can add "and more" to each line below, as the alphabet isn't confined to the current list!
- C is for capers, cloves, and cucumbers.
- D is for dates, dill, and dried fruit.
- E is for eggs, eggplant, and escarole.
- F is for fat, fish, and freezing.
- G is for garlic, graters, and greens.
- H is for hazelnuts, herbs, and honey.
- I is for ice and the accompanying word, cream.
- J is for jams, jellies, and juicing.
- K is for kimchee, knives, and konbu.
- L is for leeks, lemons, and limes.
- M is for mandarin oranges, measurements, and milk.
- N is for noodles, nori, and nuts.
- O is for okra, oranges, and oregano.
- P is for parsley, pasta, and pepper.
- Q is for quick breads and quince.
- R is for radishes, rhubarb, and roasting.
- S is for saffron, sauces, and sausages.
- T is for tarragon, temperature, and tomatoes.
- U is for ugli fruit and unmolding.
- V is for variety meat (offal), vegetables, and vinegar.
- W is for waffles, watercress, and wine.
- X is for xylophone.😁
- Y is for yams, yeast, and yogurt.
- Z is for zest!
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